
conditional contract 有條件契約,暫行契約。

conditional reflex

In view of this , our country “ insurance law “ in regulation , pay insurance gold in order to die conditional contract to give , the sun that holds water oneself rises full after two years , commit suicide like insurant , the underwriter can give according to the contract pay insurance gold 鑒于此,我國《保險法》中規定,以死亡為給付保險金條件的合同,自成立之日起滿兩年后,如被保險人自殺的,保險人可以按照合同給付保險金。

An insurance contract is a conditional contract with money payment . if the conditional terms occurred , the contract should give force . but it is regarded as never appear since it is the result of the malignant act or gross fault of insurer ’ counterpart 與之和我國的法律相比較發現,我國《保險法》第二十八條第二款以及《合同法》第四十五條的規定與日本商法典第641條之規定有異曲同工之作用。

On 3 april 2005 the family trust entered into a conditional contract to re - sell the property to ms holt for $ 770 , 000 plus gst 2005年4月3日,家庭信托與一個叫赫爾特的女士簽約,將農場地以$ 770 , 000加gst賣出。